PGA in damage limitations

As the new season is just around the corner that being on the mainland of the United States
The PGA is bracing itself for major backlash from their Open attacks of President Donald J Trump

Nowhere has there been more support for the President The 45th more than the State of Florida
But as the season is set to kick off into high gear and the Masters is only weeks away
Many behind the scenes are bracing for the unknown consequences of their actions
Sport after all should be sport and has been up until the Marxist Democrats stole the last Presidential election in November of 2020
The result of which has been major backlash and nervousness by all walks of life worried about their support for the most popular Presidents in the history of the United States
"PGA pulls out of Trump golf course as his post-riot losses pile up "
A lie promoted by the marxist media
Many many people around America were angry with decision made by the PGA
Now comes the test with the new season beginning! Question is who are the PGA who do they represent that they should cave so easily to the Marxist media.
Many many people around America were angry with decision made by the PGA Now comes the test with the new season beginning
Maybe if you are angry you should contact the PGA
This is a good place to start