This video is not from some former east German-style state
This video is from TRUDEAU's CANADA MAY 2021
What you will see are multiple armed NAZI police thugs force to ground handcuff and HOG TIE a Canadian Pastor
If you think Canada is a democracy then think again
Canada is now a Democracy in Name only
Canada is a country where the Governors/Premiers of States/Provinces are scared to act to protect Canadian Freedoms
Police walk the streets of large cities citing and arresting people under unconstitutional mandates
Forced upon Provinces by out of control health departments driven guided and controlled by the Federal government of Canada
Many Canadians who can are now actively making plans to flee 'THEIR HOME AND SACRED LAND' as the national anthem says!
Canadians are now quite rightly terrified of an out of control Federal government-aided and abetted by willing participants from all Federal parties
Canadians have little or no one to call on to help
The local representatives of many but not all Provinces go by the title MPP's Member of Provincial Parliament do NOTHING but cower in their basements for fear of being attacked by TRUDEAU's black-shirted thugs
Many Canadians have had enough they have formed small organizations such as NO MORE LOCKDOWNS
These and other groups are nothing but ridiculed and dismissed by the so-called MSM in Canada
But there is definitely a feeling that the majority of Canadians have indeed had enough of lies and deceit perpetrated by the Federal government of Canada
It is clear many Canadians have just given up in other words 'better red than dead'
There is no doubt Canada is ready to blow apart
And when it does no police force no politician will able to stop what happens next all of which they have brought on themselves by not doing one simple thing 'abide by the Canadian constitution'