Now it appears that a so-called major shopping Channel in Canada has banned 'MyPillow'
Mike Lindell of 'MyPillow' fame has had its merchandise pulled from a shopping channel in Canada
To be as precise as we can be, Canada only has
shopping channel due mainly to monopolies of such staggering proportions that wouldn't even see the light of day in the United States
The channel is known in Canada as 'The Shopping Channel'

The channel is owned by a media monopoly that operates in Canada one of only two large Cable companies that enjoy such control over a potential captive market.
Canada where socialism rules supreme and while Canadians are forced to pay anywhere from 40% up to a whopping 70% or more for the same merchandise than if it could be purchased from US suppliers.
Successive Governments have allowed this UNI-Market to continue, well this is just the latest export from the US.
WOKE political correctness is probably been one of the very few things that has been allowed across Canada's closed southern border for nearly 12 months
Yet this Company decides YOU as a Canadian SHALL NOT PURCHASE a product that you want on their "ONE and only" Shopping Channel in the whole of Canada.
The main reason there's only one option for Canadians by the is again the socialist regimes have put in place such anti-competitive regulations that clearly disadvantage Canadians but clearly benefit large monopolies hence you have a Twitter/Facebook/Amazon situation here in Canada (If they don't want it you don't get it)
Many Canadians were probably not even aware of the action taken by 'TSC' for short. That is to remove all 'MyPillow' products from their available list https://www.tsc.ca/pages/productresults?dimensions=0&searchterm=Mypillow
A company owned by media group Rodgers.

Many undoubtedly will question whether this is the way Canada and Canadians would want to do business!
All this because one man had the nerve to put it mildly to question the legitimacy of a US Election which by the way is his right as a US Citizen.
A man who spent his own money and produced a video showing all the evidence that WOKE Canadian corporations don't think you should either see and if you did manage to see it you should just think it's fake. Isn't that up to you to decide NOT A CORPORATION?
Do we now take orders from them ask PARLER oh wait you can't because AMAZON shut them down
Are we seeing a pattern here?
Oh yes, Canadians are well aware of ZERO competition they've been brought up on it from foreign companies being repeatedly discouraged from starting a business any business in competition with theirs!
Hence Canadians pay higher prices for nearly everything and there zero competition from outside sources.
Canadians biggest gripes are about cell phones costs the service or lack of quality not to mention the prices all caused by successive socialist governments blocking foreign companies from operating within Canada to force a more equitable price for the Canadian consumer.
THIS IS WHAT GOT MYPILLOW BANNED FOR MAKING THIS for making a video what are they so scared of?
Question is do you think they should decide for you what you can see, hear, write, or say let alone buy?
Why shouldn't Canadians stop buying their goods and services from the two companies that were been mentioned because of their OPEN SUPPORT for a corrupt Canadian Government what if Canadians took that view, what do you think their response would be to that?
It's the same thing, isn't it?
You have one opinion, they have another.
It's called FREE SPEECH suggest you use it and contact these conglomerates and make your views heard!