These are just a few headlines
But the bottom line is that if this is passed there will be no more independence of States
Many political pundits are suggesting this could be the end of the Union. Texas just to name one State will not allow its elections its boundaries it rules for holding elections to be controlled by Democrats in Washington or Washington for that matter
Many States are quietly questioning what their response will be. The response is however most likely NOT to be to Washington's liking
What you see here is just the opening salvo much more is expected to be unveiled soon
H.R. 1 federalizes and micromanages the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states.
The bill interferes with the ability of states and their citizens to determine qualifications for voters and to ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls.
H.R. 1 reverses the decentralization of the American election process—which is necessary for protecting our liberty and freedom.
This is from https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/report/the-facts-about-hr-1-the-the-people-act-2019
Warning: H.R.1 is the building block for a 'Blue' nation
Following what millions of voters argue was a stolen election that put Joe Biden in the White House, Democrats are now poised to solidify their grip on power in America's capital. Pelosi, the lead Democrat in the U.S. House, has announced her commitment to passing H.R.1, which is known as the For the People Act of 2019.
"What Nancy Pelosi is wanting to do is to pass federal legislation that will come in and micromanage state election procedures," he shares. "She wants to seize the authority of the states to regulate voter registration, opening up early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online registration – and who knows? It may even be online voting."
In fact, the Democracy Reform Task Force highlights what it considers benefits of H.R.1, including national automatic voter registration, "democracy reform," early and online voting, along with other "voting modernization" measures.
10 things you might not know about HR 1
Some significant changes have not been talked about much as the bill has advanced to the House floor
1. Support for D.C. statehood
HR 1 changes a lot of laws, but it also contains nonbinding provisions to express Democrats’ support for policies that, for whatever reason, they didn’t include in the package. One declares support for D.C. statehood — a matter Congress hasn’t voted on since 1993.
“District of Columbia residents deserve full congressional voting rights and self-government, which only statehood can provide,” the bill says, adding that “there are no constitutional, historical, financial, or economic reasons why the 700,000 Americans who live in the District of Columbia should not be granted statehood.”
2. Presidential transitions and inaugural committees
The overhaul imposes new ethical requirements on presidents and other administration officials, but a lesser-known part of the bill would also establish new rules and prohibitions on their transition teams and inaugural committees.
5. Paper ballots
Though the measure puts new regulations on online advertisements and new requirements for election cybersecurity, it has something for those who might feel nostalgic for the old days of paper ballots.
That’s right, the overhaul requires the use of “durable, voter-verified” paper ballots in federal elections, according to legislative text.
Dems introduced HR1 nationalizing elections, a bill to destroy the USA
D.C. statehood will give Democrats two more senators almost immediately. That will then allow them to ram anything through, including making PR a state, giving them two more senators and a permanent Democrat electoral majority.