Biden administration is moving forward to capitulate to the CCP

“More evidence of a complete 180 being contemplated with the CCP. Less than week into The President* sources are saying a massive change is coming, this despite all the lies told during the 2020 election”
Despite the continued statements made by President Trump as to the true aspirations of the Marxist Democrat party claiming that they were not planning anything of the kind The President warned the American citizens that the Marxists were lying.
Less than a week!
Barley a week into this supposedly democratically elected administration having taken office. Not just on a daily basis but an hourly one evidence is coming to light their real intention is completely capitulate American soverigty on trade and IP (itntelectuctual) property rights of not only American corporations but individuals as well. Clear evidence that was CENSORED by (OLD STREAM MEDIA) reduced Americans ability to understand scope of thier plans.
Now we are seeing in less than week 4 days the depth of of utter hate and distain they hold for ordinary working man and woman in America. The question has to be how will 100 million Americans react to being labelled as Domestic terrorists.
There is however some rays of hope that democracy can rise from the ashes less that 23 months away from the mid-term elections, shoots of demcracy are springing all over America. Come the spring Americans will awaken and start to openly challenge those who try and impose their draconian ways on a democratic society.
There is hope and it starts with ordinary Americans who will what is necessary to protect those who need to be protected from tyranny in all its forms
All is changing some for the some not, but there is no doubt democracy will out over corruption
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