More evidence emerges every day that LOCKDOWNS don't work
The UK economy is on a knife-edge
The UK Government faces a dilemma in the coming months.

The decision that the UK faces is one that many Countries face. Continue a fake lockdown the reason we call it a fake lockdown is that there are treatments out there that Governments around the world deny actually work.
If they and other countries continue their CRAZY lockdowns not just the UK economy faces economic collapse but so do many other western countries.
If they take a more measured approach they may just scrape by
But even that is not certain because the level of unfunded debt is so immense that nearly all Countries face a future where taxes have to increase to an unsustainable level
Finally with the Marxist Democrats in control in the USA trying to impose the GREEN NEW DEAL
This will result in a worldwide depression in 6 - 9 months just as the world is trying to crawl out of the economic gutter