In the Marxist Democrat party corruption runs so deep, no one actually see the depths to which it will NOT go!
Many political pundit ignore the blatant unconstitutional acts and actions that these marxists take.
There goal is to impeach a FORMER President a PRIVATE individual.
Please consider the Ramifications of this action.If you were to suggest that vile action against the Congress of the United States
YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL could in theory be impeached
That would mean that you could not work for the Federal Government of the United States in any way in any department. You could never hold a position of Federal Authority. Why because THEY don't like you
So let's just flip this
Lets just say YOU hold the power in congress in 2 years or 4 or even six
Based on this you could impeach ever member on the other side just because you don't like them.
And they would have zero recourse. Do you think they would stand still for this crap.
What this is about is NOT Donald J Trump, It's about you they want to scare you into NEVER supporting anyone like this ever again. Not only that they want you so angry that you will rise up and attack them. Why? well that's easy they want an excuse to declare Martial law!
If they can manipulate you to act and they can declare martial law they can take your Guns away from you!
Here's a better idea. Start a petition for your state to LEAVE the union for the of unconstitutional actions that put you and your family at risk of tyranny from the Marxist Democrats in congress.
By doing this you can send them a message they will never forgot
Remember you have the ultimate power. You are many they are few!