Marxist media promote their propaganda
While the Marxist media continues to produce propaganda ahead of yet more communist schemes being pushed by American Marxist Democrats

The Bond market like the stock market sees something very different
Beijing *Biden is marching in lockstep with
the CCP American workers be dammed!
The US Bond market is showing signs of SERIOUS concern
With 5 Trillion dollars. being pumped into the US economy and that's being very generous while in actuality the majority of that 'FAKE MONEY' is being parcelled out to Beijing *Biden''s friends and elite for a job well stolen
The upshot of some much money slushing around what's left of the US economy that the Marxist Democrats weren't able to destroy
The 'I' word is now rearing its ugly head
The Marxist MSM are talking about cruise ships readying themselves for a boom
And House prices increasing
The hidden lead that NONE OF THEM will talk about is INFLATION
With 5 Trillion dollars around which is just printed money with no product to show for it the only result can be INFLATION and m
oney is devalued
When more and more citizens are given money for no contribution it devalues that '$'
Therefore to get people back to work will result in increased labor costs
Increased labor costs result in increased costs to business in general
resulting in increased prices of goods and services ergo INFLATION
Add to this the end to the TRUMP administration tax cuts
NEW TAXS regulations and the implementation of the GREEN NEW DEAL
The future ie 6 - 9 months ahead is bleak
By the end of 2021 The United States and by extraction the majority of the western world is more than likely to fall into the biggest and longest recession since the 'GREAT DEPRESSION'
Based on the inability of the *Biden administration to want to or able STOP their Marxist policies The United States is likely to see unemployment to increase by more than 10 million on top of the existing model even rising to a high of more than 20 million Americans by Summer of 2024