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Biden's silences PRESS


The Marxist controlled American media seem fine in being silenced

Why? well, the answer is simple!

The Marxist controlled media in the United States help promote the lie about the 2020 election so that a fraudulent Candidate to be appointed to the office of the President of the United States

Biden is an illegal PRESIDENT everyone who has the facts on the 2020 election knows this

and Democrats did NOT win control of the senate

But when you put all the pieces together and you ask officials why there are miles of razor wire fencing 10 feet or higher and expected to be added too.

The republicans in the House and Senate are beginning to question the real reason behind CLUB Pelosi

An illegal fence has been installed not to keep the American people out but in fact, many Republicans are openly saying to protect the Marxist democrats from being removed by lawfully elected members of CONGRESS

what is meant by that is that more and more evidence is coming to light that more than half of the STATES ARE NOW OPENLY QUESTIONING THE RESULTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION

As time goes by many many more States are likely to take action to investigate both voter turnout and the validity of their voting systems in their respective States

From what we understand from a number of sources that many States are looking into legislation to recall their various Representatives due to "irregularities" in the last election

Many senior political pundits are NOW openly questioning the whole validity of the 2020 election process

Going forward once these respective results are questioned all data has be held by law and cannot be destroyed under the normal 2 year period

The Marxist Democrats are racing to install an unconstitutional law while at the same time States are rushing to nullify the results of the 2020 election

There are 2 races going on right the question is who will prevail and the result of which will determine not only the balance of power in congress

BUT, but and this is crucial

This uncharted territory, the very validity as many of us have known all along of the winner of the Presidency

If the States involved which by the seem to be an ever-increasing number find FRAUD, as we all know, has taken place

This alone will start to put pressure on Congress to act first they will lose control of Congress and then the PEOPLE will demand the removal


If this unprecedented action takes place one can only speculate on the all the actions that this administration has carried out will be classed as illegal and STRUCK DOWN

If CONGRESS does not remove the SUPREME COURT for unconstitutional actions the results from this lack of action WILL result in unrest

And if the States don't take any of these actions to reseat the legitimate winners in the 2020 election the consequences will be dire for the future of the United States of America



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