People around the world will look at America today in utter dismay
An incompetent moron as a President
His inability to comprehend the danger of open borders
The threat to the United States of America and it's citizens beggars belief
The Marxist Democrats will stop at nothing to change America into a one-party State
The question is whether Americans will allow them to do it
It wasn't enough for them to steal the election from Americans with the help of
Socialist media
Corrupt Judges at the state level
The total corruption of the Supreme court
failures by local officials working with
Corrupt politicians who care more about their personal wealth than their Countries
Corrupt police officials in multiple states and districts all over the United States
No People around the world are looking at America and laughing at your (Representative Republic)
Just as many ethnic groups have used your laws against you, the same has been done to America by the 'Marxist Democrats'
Americans were and are lazy when it comes to democracy
They thought they were protected from tyranny by their Constitution
They carried on after November 3 2020 think their laws would protect them from tyranny and open acts of sedition
While in reality, the Marxist Democrat party of America together with the American Socialist media elite had planned for this for 4 years (we will talk about that another time)
While Americans stopped to celebrate thanksgiving the courts shut down but the clocks kept ticking
The Marxist Democrats knew ahead of time they had control of ALL the media
No message other than their message could get out
We even saw in latter-day after their fake attempt to force a weak attempt to blame the President for people invited in by guards to be accused of promoting an uprising
This excuse was used to stop The senate and allow the fake certification of fake election
Even since January 20, 2021, we have seen failure after failure of the safety net of democracy
Americans believed that the Supreme court would act
But yet again their hopes of being protected was once again dashed
TEXANS now openly questioning a number of things and we cover that another time but not least the legitimacy of the United States Supreme Court
If America does survive to 2024, which in it's current trajectory I think is optimistic, it won't look anything like the America you know now!
It will take one of two courses the first is a massive forced march towards socialism and economic collasp
The other is two separate Americas one prosperous and free the other as described above
America faces a choice Americans face a choice