Stories are surfacing concerning Biden
The Marxist media are running out of excuses to describe his state
More and more Americans even on the Marxist left are concerned with his state health
It was always expected that Beijing Biden* was stop-gap President
What is becoming more evident to this NEWS CHANNEL is that the Marxist media is using the pathetic President as cover to push through draconian regulations and far more
It is likely to get far worse.
TROUBLE IS, that so many Americans are suffering denial!
Denial that A) its happening and B) That the US Constitution will protect them from communism and all they have to do is wait until the mid-terms
Do you not think the Marxist Democrats haven't thought about that scenario
2022 will be too late!
For The Marxist media, it will become more difficult to the point by early spring that their blind loyalty to Marxism will become apparent to all
It is this NEWS CHANNELS belief that not only The Marxist President's approval numbers will at Historic lows before SUMMER that the Marxist Democrat party support by it's most loyal supporters will be in absolute freefall
Marxists all over America are being exposed
Whilst the Marxists are either being exposed or just as stupidly we think they are admitting openly that they are Marxists
It seems that they can get away with anything because Americans for the most part are so dumb as to rely on The FBI and DOJ to do the right thing
If the last 4 years has taught you one thing it's that the FBI DOJ and others aren't NOT there for the American citizen or America for that matter otherwise HRC would be behind bars along with other prominent members of the Marxist Democrat party
More to follow:-