There is growing evidence that RINO's in Arizona managed to remove judge in Arizona audit
Many Arizonan's expect the new judge to act very soon
The RINO's are working closely with the Marxist Democrats in Arizona to derail democracy
The outcome of whether this audit will be allowed to continue is uncertain, one thing is abundantly clear, the risk of reaching a conclusion that exposes the corruption in Arizona will have a catastrophic effect on those Republicans currently in office, particularly the ones who certified the 2020 election.
If the result proves what many Americans believe and that there was massive fraud perpetrated in Arizona and action to not only remedy this for the future but action and this is key action is NOT taken to reverse what has happened then the State of Arizona faces a very dark future and so does the United States of America
There are several outcomes
One fraud is proven and no action taken
Fraud is proven and action is taken to stop any future repetition
No fraud is found
Fraud is found action is taken and the results of the 2020 election in Arizona are reversed
No Fraud would cause great concern to all Republicans and question the narrative to the core
The last will cause a political whirlwind that would have effects that would be felt around the world
There would be attempts to disallow that result in the Supreme court of the United States and if they were to take that case, having not taken the Texas + 19 case the uproar will most likely cause a constitutional crisis
This would mean that the Supreme court would be ruling on whether the Marxist Democrats actually held the power in America in the House, the Senate, and the Presidency
This would undoubtedly trigger major civil unrest at best
So the Marxist Democrats are where they thought they would never be and what they do next could have results that even they can't predict