From just before and early after November 3 2020 rumors abound about a missing USPS truck!

Why is it that the FBI can find a laptop and arrest the person allegedly who stole it in matter of days.
Yet more than two months after the most corrupt and fraudulent election in modern Presidential history.
The FBI have remained silent as well as with the thousands of affidavits That the 'Trump' legal team had gathered along with digital forensic evidence.
Despite the despicable collabaeration of Facebook Twitter Google and others to silence Conservatives not to mention lying under oath.
The Marxist socialist media were working with the Marxist Democrats to steal the Presidential election.
Now they denying their actions.
The DOJ refused to investigate.
The Attorney General refused to investigate.
Judge after judge refused to hear the evidence.
Even the Supreme Court destroyed the US Constitution by denying TEXAS to have Standing.
The Republican party was silent.
And OLD style media were complicit.
And it's clear The FBI by their in-action were also deeply involved.
The question that has to be asked is who knew in the FBI and thereby is the nub of the issue. Clearly the FBI were aware of the fraudulent actively on the night of November 3 2020.
What has to saden ALL Americans and not only Americans but people around the world who held the FBI in such high regard. That after the clear evidence of framing of Donald J Trump by the FBI. That institution of integrity NOT ONE AGENT who swore an oath.
“I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
How can any American TRUST the honesty and integrity of that or any Federal Department when NOT ONE FBI AGENT Stood up for that oath.
NOT ONE Shameful! They care more about their jobs and their families than their integrity or their Country!
Found that truck with those ballots yet?