This comes from an MP in the Parliament of Canada
what is below is a quote
The Justin Trudeau government was finally successful in ramming Bill C-10 through Parliament last week, propped up by the NDP and the Bloc.
C-10 will allow the CRTC, a bureaucratic body, to regulate what people see or say online.
The CRTC is controlled by corporate lobbyists, so under C-10, they and the federal government will have the real power to cancel your freedom of expression and access to information.
C-10 horrifies any Canadian who doesn’t think the state should determine what you’re allowed to post or to access on social media, making this terrible news.
Unfortunately, as is so often true with the Justin Trudeau Liberals, the most radical federal government in Canadian history, it got even worse a short time later.
That’s because right after C-10 passed, Bill C-36 was tabled.
Under C-36, Canadians could face house arrest, $70K fines and a host of other draconian punishments for social media comments deemed to be “hate speech” by the state.
The worst part of C-36 is that it allows for accusations of “hate speech” to be made anonymously by people who feel like someone’s post exposed them to hate speech. Those accused will have no recourse to answer their accuser, or even to know their accuser’s identity, but they will face consequences.
C-36 is a very unfortunate revival of the infamous Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which was wisely repealed by Stephen Harper in 2012.
With the passage of C-10 and the tabling of C-36, no doubt can remain that Justin Trudeau is intent on ending freedom of expression in Canada.
If he is successful, Canada will only grow to resemble the “basic dictatorship” of Communist China that he so famously admires.