YET Again the Marxist media promote the ongoing menace in America
Members of Congress shake with fear wondering whether they will ever see the dawn of another day
With this terrifying threat to the members of Congress barely able to cope with the strain of their daily lives wondering where the next paycheck will come from OOPS! The WRONG group that's YOU
No, let's get REAL FOLKS with thousands of National Guard Troops surrounding a group of what I describe as NOT EVEN a group of useful idiots, but rather a GROUP of suspiciously elected MARXISTS hiding behind razor wire, that's if they turn up at all
Americans are concerned and that's putting it mildly, have got to the stage WHERE. ARE THESE THREATS are being considered contrived.
Republican members of Congress are denied access to the so-called intelligence data.
Just like the Statistically flawed COVID which based on numbers is no worse than a bad flu outbreak which by the way doesn't even seem to be talked about it's almost like it went away STRANGE THAT!
The Republicans and others are openly questioning the need for Congress to be cut off from the People who supposedly elected them.
More and more members of Congress are demanding PROOF of the threat
Just like the FBI who refused to do their JOB from the beginning of the TRUMP administration right up to and including Nov 3 2020 and beyond and now lying about evidence that we have all see proving that many of the people who went into the Capitol building were invited by Capitol Police and also there is clear evidence that there were outside provocateurs we've all seen the video evidence.
The Marxist Democrats deny along with Capitol Police and the FBI that its true of course these are the same people who denied we were looking at suitcases of ballots.
So it's clear to US all now that this is a Marxist COUP on the UNITED STATES aided and abetted by CONGRESS ALL 3 letters Govt organizations with the tacit support of the US Military.
How else could you describe an armed camp in D.C.
An unelected President as puppet or muppet you chose supported and propped up by all branches of Government.
The Marxist Democrats want you to rise up because then they can label you as a 'Domestic Terrorist'.
The Problem with this is two-fold first if you did rise up the number of national guard would not be enough to defend that group of officials I would suggest.
Second, that would require the US military to open fire and kill 20 30 40 million Americans or more!
many people far more knowledgeable than us have confirmed that it is very unlikely that US soldiers would be prepared to commit mass murder on a scale equal to or greater than Stalin to defend a group of Politicians that broke multiple laws to assume office illegitimately
Who do you think would come out of that one?
My guess is NOT you!
Americans KNOW THE ELECTION was rigged!!
They don't TRUST and form of Government so WHEN they do take CONTROL (through elections of course) my guess is the FBI WILL BE GONE one way or another everyone one of them also the CIA and the DOJ (just to name a few) and The Supreme Court of the United States will be removed from office and charged with acts of TREASON as will many others
Any laws or actions passed in the Period After of Jan 20 2021 will be considered void
Many many members of Congress past and present will also face a similar fate
This is by no means over in fact it's just begun to quote THE GREATEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED
Sir Winston Churchill (who held dual nationality)
“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”